28名西非学员到我院培训学习28 West African Participants Learn Yugongyishan
6月9日,“2018塞拉利昂高速公路建设与运营管理培训班”一行30人来到愚公移山干部学院进行现场教学。愚公移山干部学院高度重视、精心安排,让28名来自西非国家塞拉利昂交通运输领域的学员深度了解中国故事——愚公移山。On June 9th, 2018 Training Course on Express Way Construction and Operation Management For Sierra Leone come to Yugongyishan Executive Leadership Academy for field study, which is highly valued by our Academy. The 28 Sierra Leonean participants are from the transportation field. This time they come to Jiyuan to know more about Chinese stories, esp. Yugongyishan.学员初到学院,聆听学院教师讲授中国故事——愚公移山。The trainees are listening to the lecture “Yugongyishan”.课堂上,学员分组讨论,画出自己心中的愚公移山精神并向全班展示。In class, trainees are divided into five groups to draw pictures of their own understanding of “Yugongyishan”. Each group presents their work to the whole class.学员游览道境广场,感受道文化的博大精深。In the Taoist Square of Wangwu Mountain, the trainees are learning the profound meaning of Taoism culture. 学员在老街驻足停留,欣赏仿古建筑。The trainees are watching the pseudo-classic architecture.学员来到愚公村,走访中国普通村庄,参观民居。The trainees come to the Yugong Village and go around to see ordinary life of the Chinese.学员在愚公群雕处进行现场教学,与“愚公”近距离接触。In front of the statue, the teacher is telling the story “Yugongyishan” to the trainees.学员在愚公移山红色教育基地进行体验教学,亲身体验愚公带领子孙搬石移山、凿石修路的艰辛。The trainees are practicing moving stones and constructing roads in order to experience the hardship told in the story “Yugongyishan”.学员代表说,今天的活动非常棒,让我们受到很多启发,愚公带领村民挖掉挡在家门口的大山,修出一条通往外面的路,为的就是带领村民过上美好的生活。我们塞拉利昂也在大力发展交通建设,不仅在交通领域,其他任何领域的工作都需要发扬这种愚公移山的精神。这个故事给我留下了特别深刻的印象,我一定会把愚公移山的故事带回去,讲给我们的人民听。Some trainees said that they have learned a lot by taking today’s activity. From the story “Yugongyishan” he knows that the elder Yugong led his villagers to move the mountain which was blocking their way out away for the purpose of better life. Now in Sierra Leone they are developing transportation construction. They think it is very necessary to carry on the “Yugongyishan” spirit, not only in the field of transportation but also in many other fields. They also said that they were very impressed by this Chinese story and would definitely bring the story back to Sierra Leone and told their friends.此次培训班是愚公移山干部学院首次承接国外班次,实现了我院培训范围走出国门的目标,具有里程碑式的意义。我院将继续提升师资水平和办学质量,争取把愚公移山故事讲到全世界。This is the first time that Yugongyishan Executive Leadership Academy undertakes training for foreign trainees, which achieves the goal that our training goes to the world. Today’s training is a milestone in the history of our academy. It is the first step to tell the Chinese story “Yugongyishan” abroad. For the purpose of going further and letting more foreigners know the story, we are going to continue to work hard to improve the training quality.